June 09, 2007

So Much to Tell ... Part I

This past week has been a whirlwind of new experiences and
pure unadulterated bliss.
It all began on June 1st. I had the extreme pleasure of meeting some FABULOUS women. Sahara, Chante, Shameka, Njoya, and I (to name a few) were on hand to celebrate Saunielle's visit to NYC at Native Restaurant in Harlem. Now I have to be honest, I was a bit intimidated. It is always that way for me when venturing out (I used to be extremely shy as a kid). Add that little nagging voice that always sounds like Maya from "Girlfriends" ...(Gurrrrl, what are you doing, you don't really know these people, and besides, when's the last time you were up in Harlem, why you going up there any way, blah, blahh, blahhhh.) Sometimes it's hard to shake the shackles of your childhood...especially when you grow up with negativity all around you. However, armed with the hope of new possibilities I made my way Uptown. It was like meeting up with friends I have known for years. The conversation flowed, the food was great and a beautiful night to boot. When the WIP's came out, we were fascinated by each other's work. I especially fell in love with the Colinette Jitterbug in the Lagoon colorway that Shameka was working with...bought on sale at Seaport Yarn and the piece Saun was working on that included some beading. I have been crocheting for the past couple of months so I brought out the granny squares I have been working on for the Larger Than Life Bag from Interweave Crochet. As it grew later we knew it had to come to an end but we all vowed to meet again. Great food, Great friends and YARN! What more can one ask for?

Stay tuned for Part II ... here's a hint, Mayan temples and over the top romance ...........


Anonymous said...

Hi Sherri,

Just wanted to connect after our meeting at Native last week. I couldn't remember the name of your blog and then read Sahara's latest post. It was great meeting all of you too, but I completely understand your trepidation. Meeting new people is frightening sometimes, you just don't know what to expect. I do hope that we will do it again sometime soon though. BTW, I love your site.

Christie said...

Sounds like a great time!ic

MrsPurls said...

I absolutely love the new look of your blog!!! How did you get the banner to change on it....

WandaWoman said...

It's always good when you challenge yourself to get out of a mindset. And the bonus, you met wonderful people. Be well.

Sheila said...

Hello, came across your site via sistahCraft whose work is fabulous. Sounds like a nite of total fiber fun. Its good to hear about fun-filled fiber meet ups and totally understand the trepidation of meeting new people. Love the color choices of your crochet thread.