December 09, 2006

4 Wool Drive

Lauren is a final year graduate in the School of Art and Design at Bath Spa University.

For her Graduate Exhibition she presented a full scale knitted version of a Ferrari, a hairy combination of a Testa Rossa and a 355 - complete with windscreen wipers, wing mirrors, low profile tyres and the famous prancing horse logo, all knitted in glorious Ferrari red (wool generously supplied by Sirdar).

Lauren's Ferrari is not just a car that happens to be made of wool. This is a carefully considered object that questions the relationship between male symbols and feminine craft to suggest the relationship is more complex than first thought. The car also cleverly plays on the hard smooth object being transformed into a soft textured one. The result is visually stunning.

Lauren's Ferrari also gives a new meaning to the knitted sweater. How many proud owners of cosy red pullovers - yes some with the legend emblazoned on the front - would love to immerse themselves in this giant item. Are cars themselves forms of clothing?

The School of Art and Design at Bath Spa University is one of the leading schools of art and design in the country.

Lauren's achievement, which took many months to complete was made possible by the School's excellent technical support and Lauren's own imagination - which is precisely what the School tries to nurture.

One word . . . WOW!

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