February 05, 2007

Happy Hooker

I have been a crocheting fool lately. I guess it stems from the fact that up until a couple of weeks ago, I could not crochet worth a damn. Seriously. My crochet skills did not extend further than doing a chain for an invisible cast on. You see, when I was younger, my family "traumatized" me. I just did not understand the concept of creating a loop and pulling the yarn through said loop. What made it even worse was EVERYONE in my family crochets. "Pure Laziness, de gyal don wan to try nuttin." My aunt from Antigua would yell at me every time she tried to show me. I was subject to the all familiar kissing of the teeth, and disgusted smirks of Caribbean women who have been practising the art-form since birth (or so it seemed). It just got to the point where everyone, including my mother, lost their patience.

They didn't understand that I would pick up the hook in my own time ... and I guess as a way to rebel, I took to knitting like a duck to water. It was just so natural to me. When I would hold up finished projects, the same aunts who used to beat me over the head with their balls of yarn now sang the praises of my knitted creations. Not that they were so spectacular...garter stitch hats and scarves ... little projects you know. But I guess now, in their eyes I wasn't that hopeless.

However, I always felt a twinge guilty at not trying harder in learning to crochet. I mean, it wasn't for lack of trying. But the day I stepped into Barnes and Noble and saw Get Your Crochet On! by Afya Ibomu, a roaring fire had been ignited. One reason being, I saw people that represented me in the book. Oh, happy day! (did I mention Common and Erykah Badu are also in it?) The second reason is, having thick locks down my back, I have problems finding hats. Going to the custom boutiques and buying a hat wasn't an option. Why buy something you can make.....and it would take me forever to knit. So, armed with a new found determination, I brought the book home and I have been a crocheting ever since. I have already made my mother a "Bunny" and then whipped up a "Soldier" for my husband. (I promise to post pictures later - I am blogging at work ... shhh!) You can also see pictures of the styles on Ms. Ibomu's site : http://www.nattral.com.

In the meantime, I am crocheting a baby blanket I promised my cousin who is due this month. It is coming out really pretty and I have to say, I am feeling dang proud that I can crochet now. Until Later ....