The Magazine Aisles...Part I...Craftzine
So, I'm cruising the magazine aisles at Borders when these two knitted robots caught my eye. Woo Hoo, I thought, knitted toys! So, I purchased the "zine" without checking out the contents. I was in a rush...but giddy with anticipation. As I neatly laid my sandwich and chips out on my desk, I pulled Craft out of the bag and set it away from the Snapple so as not to spill anything on its precious pages. As I began turning the pages, a cloud began to form overhead. This is not the craft magazine that we are used to (ie: Interweave Knits or Vogue Knitting). This takes crafting to a whole other level, dimension, heck, lightyear. The project I searched for, the knitted robots, was actually an article about the world of creepy, cute dolls and the people who make them (but I wanna make one!). Cool, I thought, so I ventured deeper. The projects featured stretch the imagination. I thought about how cool it would be if I wore the Electric Tank Top to a club for New Years or how h-o-t-t it would be to screenprint my own personal logo on a bag or two. However, I was a bit disappointed with the knitting project...knit slouch boots. Uuuhhhhmmmm...why? (*sigh*).
Well, anyway, I have to commend the magazine on its overall layout. The projects are clearly outlined along with the materials needed and questions that one may want to ask. Some of the projects are a bit over the top, but then again, the magazine's purpose is to showcase crafts made by real people. I especially liked the marketplace section from and the flickr craft groups (I highlighted the knitting group for y'all). Every craftster needs a bit of inspiration.