HOW GORGEOUS IS THIS SCARF! My hands are itching and my pockets are screaming to buy some yarn to start this. It is called Frilly Scarf and you can find it here. It is so romantic and reminds me of strolling the streets of London on a beautifully chilly day. Okay, I'm reaching, but I am smitten. I was actually surfing the net for some lace patterns to begin a shawl for my mother (I am so over the ripple shawl. I wasn't thrilled about it). I decided to do a variation of the dayflower lace pattern using yarn I purchased at Brooklyn General. The yarn is a beautiful blend of deep purples, lavenders and mauves. I promise to post pictures later. I have also decided on doing a scarf in a Seaweed and Shells lace pattern variation for my Grandmother. She is constantly complaining how cold it is in Syracuse. It looks like I have my projects cut out for me. I started making a sweater for my nephew but it is pure stockingette stitch. After about the 50th row, I was seeing double, dropping stitches, putting increases where they didn't belong and crying from the monotony. I will fininsh it though. I am making it in a sz larger than he needs. So I have time to play with my laces. Woo Hoo! Knit On!