Thank-you Santa!
I know it has been awhile since my last post. As the holidays come close, I am always swamped with deadlines. Now I am able to breathe a bit and play with my new Ipod.. I was feeling a little left out of the Ipod craze when even my mother bought herself a pink Ipod mini. As she sat snapping her fingers to Tina's Greatest Hits, on one of her many trips to Mohegan, I sat staring out the window brooding because I lost my techie creds by being Ipodless. However, Santa showed me much love ths Christmas and my wish was granted. I am loving it and started knitting a cover right away ( pictures to come later). Don't want the shiny parts to get scratched! The other thing I love is Podcasts. I can get my photoshop jones on with a video Podcast from Photshop TV or catch up on world news. BUT, the most rewarding thing I have found are KNITTING PODCASTS! WOOOOOO HOOOOOO! I am in knitting nirvana. The first one I started listening to is Knitcast. . It is hosted by Marie Irshad out of the UK. and is loaded with tons of information and news from across the pond. Another knitting podcast i am listening to is Cast On and it features news, views, and the latest independent music KniTunes, hosted by Brenda Dayne out of Wales.
The easiest way to download the podcasts is through Itunes 6. Just type in the name and download for FREE . . . or you can use a podcast aggregator like iPodder or iPodderX to subscribe and download. It's just so beautiful!